Thursday, August 20, 2009


The whole house is sick and has been for about 2 weeks now. Julie and I are on antibiotics, which I really hate taking by the way but I just don't want to risk giving Stevie a sinus infection or something worse. He is actually doing the best out of all of us. Needless to say my training has been halted and I haven't done a LONG run in about 2 weeks.
Just when I was starting to get a flow with the long runs. Hopefully I can get a long run in by the end of the weekend.


  1. That’s my life…just when you are making progress some things comes up to keep you from running, but I made a pact with myself…I’m going to start running again this coming Monday. Hope you all are feeling better soon.

  2. Hope you guys are all feeling better soon. And when you back up and running, remember not to push yourself too hard, just let your body get back into it. You'll be back soon, you guys come from hardy stock. Don't forget to get lots of liquids.


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