Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Goal

I'm on a quest to run an ultramarathon, a 135-miler.
My ultimate goal is the Badwater Ultra Marathon in California.

I'm working on building my resume by gaining acceptance into the Western States Ultra-marathon in California. To start, I'll be running some more marathons such as the Newport Marathon in RI in October; moving on to a 50-miler (preferably the Vermont 50); on to the Western States 100 miler, and then the ultimate - The Badwater.
This is my journey...


  1. GO Dean! You can do it!!!
    Love, Julie Mae

  2. Great goal! I'm sure you'll be able to reach it. Good luck!

  3. It will be a lot of hard work, but so much fun and very rewarding! :-)

  4. Wow! Good luck. Did you read the Ultramarathon Man?

  5. "It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell."

    Rock on! <3 :)

  6. Hey, didn't know if you already looked into it, but there are some 50 mile and 100 mile events in Oregon. I think you should really look into it, then in addition to your crazy quest, at least you'd get to see all of us.


motivate me