Friday, July 24, 2009

My first actual post

Well, here's my first actual post,post. How's everyone doing out there? I'll start off by telling you my wife started this blog for me, she thought it would be a good idea for me to chronical my snail running here goes. I've been reading alot of fitness books lately which I never have in my life...pretty interesting to run until 100, how to train for optimal fitness,how to keep muscle as we get older, yes need to worry, one of the people who is in the motvational section of the Run Until 100 book is helen klein, she started running at 55yrs old and is still running at 85,86....not just running, but running ultra's, unbelievable.sorry for the tangent! It's so inspirational to read these different books because just when I (we )think we're has beens, someone says something that blows me(us) out of the fitness water..I started watching triathalons, marathons, and everything else ENDURANCE RELATED when I was just 9, 10 yrs old....and everytime I watched, it sparked something inside of me...and I told myself one day I will do that. I didn't really know when but eventually I WOULD. I left out a crucial part of this, I played every sport except field hockey...ha ha....and everytime I would read in these books people would say that they turned to running because they weren't athletic or that they were the last one picked in gym class,or too small for sports....well, I was none of those so my turning to more running must have come from another motivation like maybe one of the things mentioned on the title page of my blog...I don't know..SORRY! I'm not very good at talking about myself, especially after running 13.5 miles....I'm out of shape...what happened to the good old days when I could talk about myself for days on end after any long run....I must be losing my ego.....that's a good thing right? I'm sitting in front of this laptop and my eyes are bugging out....I'll just have to forget about form and every other grammatical thing and just ramble, that might work better for, me,me all about me....enough about me,let's talk about you...what do you want to know about me......I love that one....bad jokes I KNOW, but I try.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Goal

I'm on a quest to run an ultramarathon, a 135-miler.
My ultimate goal is the Badwater Ultra Marathon in California.

I'm working on building my resume by gaining acceptance into the Western States Ultra-marathon in California. To start, I'll be running some more marathons such as the Newport Marathon in RI in October; moving on to a 50-miler (preferably the Vermont 50); on to the Western States 100 miler, and then the ultimate - The Badwater.
This is my journey...