Tuesday, February 21, 2012
True to my spirit...
I'm writing this post to state the fact that I would rather write about my lifelong ponderings instead of ultra-running. I feel like a fake talking about running all the time when my mind is not consumed by that, but by things that have been on my mind almost since I was aware that my true self was the spirit that was residing in this vessel used by society for it's own selfish reasons/gain...if we let this happen... some old questions answered long ago......who am I? what is my purpose? what is the meaning of life? God's law? Man's law? Then peace!!! It's my life to live any way I wish, ups and downs,rights wrongs, happiness, sadness, loneliness, love, we are all in the same life boat....and the end result is the same for all that are born....we are growing towards death...it's inevitable....so I live without fear in this society that was created for us by rulers who use our life force to make their lives easier and pain free....we are pawns, slaves, breaking our backs working for what we know not.....to bide our time until the inevitable.....working towards what? for what? what is progress? who's progress? Do you and I benefit from this progress?Does this progress distract us from our deeper purpose? Does this progress numb us to the point that we don't think for ourselves anymore? What makes us happy individually? Are we truly free? Were we ever? Are we beaten into submission? To conform? To lose our spirits to what? pointless jobs, for pointless toys, in pointless lives of quiet desperation? These are the questions that will be intertwined with my running posts from now on, I can't play a role in this drama any longer without admtting that I know it's all a life play that was created to keep our masters entertained...".I have no master" (on this planet) Live free or Die....
Sunday, February 19, 2012
The Land Between The Lakes 50miler...Here we go!!
The Land Between the Lakes 50miler was my first 50mile attempt and I had no idea what to expect....I did know that I had to get better fast, since my last race was only a 50k and I sucked wind....and I only had one month to recuperate and get stronger somehow or else I was really going to bomb....which I didn't want to do, and which I shouldn't do, since I've been running my whole life..I was a good runner before starting marathons and ultras....this mentality of conserving was really eating me up....I'd rather pound out the miles faster and then snail along at the end, that way at least I would be way ahead on mileage....and maybe still get some decent times....however, I didn't follow my gut and I ended up conserving again....so my result at this race was I felt fine, but I got behind on time so I decided to drop down to the 60k(only 3laps instead of 4) because I didn't have time to finish the 50miles within the designated time limit..in the end it all worked out, I still ran 37.2 miles and received a great buckle ...I could've run better but I was happy to have completed my 2nd ultra and still be in one piece.....on to the next race.. The Stump Jump 50k in chattanooga,Tn......after a long lay-off through the summer due to contracting lyme disease...
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Finally back!!
Hi to whom ever reads my boring ass blog, i'm sorry if I offended any of you by not responding to your comments or questions! I will try to be more diligent with my blog in the new year...I would just like all of you to know that my wife started this blog for me and I was very busy with many endeavors when she did, so I tend to forget that I have a blog at all...I will try to give you a quick recap of the past what? 2 years of races? I think my wife's last post was the Lookout Mountain 50miler in Chattanooga, Tn.....I'll start from my first ultra-marathon leading up to the lookout mountain 50miler, then continue on from there.The first ultra-marathon I ever attempted was The Holiday Lake 50k,in virginia....I can't believe how horribly I did, after driving for seven hours I finally arrived at the Holiday lake 4h center, for check in and dinner, I stayed up late talking to people who weren't even in the race, then got little to no sleep in my truck, woke up to snow all around which is fine, because I never did care about weather conditions when running or playing sports. I tend to like the situation even more. My biggest problem of the whole day was that for whatever reason I completely over dressed, and by the halfway point in the race I was sucking some serious wind....so needless to say the second half of the race wasn't my best performance....on the way with about 10 miles left I saw a man named louis carrying an almost life sized cross on his shoulders and I stopped to talk with him, he had many nice things to say about his life and kids, so much so that it made me shed some tears...but I had to be on my way and I never saw louis again....Fast forward to 1 mile from the finish line, still moving towards finishing on time...and then to my chagrin, the clock caught me....I was so close...I kept snailing along until I hit the road to the finish and since I didn't think my time mattered I kept stopping to talk to people along the way...and low and behold there was the finish line, I ran across and started to walk away and the race directors wife asked me where I was going? She needed to mark my time, she said I finished the race so my time would be counted...whaaattt? So she gave me a time of 9hrs24min....I should've been there at least 9:10 at the most, every minute counts and I was wasting mine blabbing in the street right next to the finish line....now I know.....anyway, I walked into a cabin to sit down and warm up and I started dry heaving, David Horton the race director just walked past me and laughed, nice of him....so that was the start of my ultra-running life, and I loved it! everyone left and I was alone sleeping in my truck for a few more hours before I awoke and drove down the road, got some sprites from a gas station and drove somemore until I pulled into a walmart parking lot, it felt good to rest my weary head........see why I don't keep up with my blog....I can't keep my thoughts in line....oh yeah, for my effforts that day I received a t-shirt, not a finisher shirt, just a basic shirt that said Holiday Lake 50k on it....not bad for 9hrs worth of work...........Next race, The next race I was signed up for was The Land between the Lakes 50 miler, in Kentucky......I will write about this one on the next post....I promise I will post all of my past races up to date.....but for now I will sign off, because i'm not sounding coherent....until next time, keep up the good work! AND THANKS FOR FOLLOWING!!:)
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Dean finished the Cove Lake 50k yesterday. He looked great as he finished.
You would never know he endured the zig zagging incline and decline of the mountain.
There were only 28 runners so it was an intimate run where most people stuck around after to just hang out. The boys and I were there to celebrate.

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Cumberland Trail 50K 2010, October 16
Next weekend is yet another trail run. We took a ride out there today to check it out before hand. Glad we did, it's a beautiful area.

Trail runner in the making...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
5 months since the last post. Not sure why other than been busy training, busy with the boys, and busy reading others' running blogs. Also, I was recently diagnosed with Lyme disease. YEAH, Lyme disease - just 4 weeks out from my ultramarathon in Chatanooga.
I still plan on running it even though my eyes don't focus, my head feels like it's in a fog, and my joints are sore as hell.
I still plan on running it even though my eyes don't focus, my head feels like it's in a fog, and my joints are sore as hell.
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